I know there have been recommendations to extend the market cap on the list on the left - I know it is capped at 100 but I really don't see why there has to be a cap at all.
If someone wants to scroll endlessly to find a collection they should be able to - maybe just have it preload 100 and then have a "load more" at the bottom like other parts of the site do and have each "load more" load 100 more - then you can still keep it at 100 but still have more if people want to peruse.
The way it works now is if the person slides off the 100 list they simply aren't seen at all - and that seems unfair for new collections trying to gain traction or smaller collections that don't have the pull giant corporations do. It also generates a lot of stress to remain in the top 100 and not slide into oblivion for said collections.